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How to find files you want to export

To find the files you want to export you first have to find out the path that it is stored in, to get that path we can either browse the files to try and find it ourselves or look at a database of internal paths and infer their locations. These here are two databases that contain lots of information about warframe:
What we want now are the uniqueName entries as these have the name that is shown in game and then the path to where its stored.
Now, an easier way to search for these paths is with the frontend for, however these results refer to /Lotus/Upgrades/, /Lotus/Types/ and /Lotus/Powersuits which will not be the path to the model you are looking for.
To turn these paths into ones that we can use For warframes we look inside the /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/ directory for whatever came up after /Lotus/Powersuits/, for example searching sevagoth shows us that the path is /Lotus/Powersuits/Wraith/Wraith so we would search in the characters directory for a folder called Wraith.

Searching the last part of the path of the accessory inside the ./../Characters/ directory should get you to the right file.


Warframes are found inside the /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/ directory.

Display Name Internal Name
Archwings JetPacks
Ash Ninja
Atlas Brawler
Banshee Decree
Baruuk Pacifist
Caliban Caliban
Chroma Dragon
Citrine Stalactis
Contains Attatchments, Ephemeras and Sayandanas Acsessory
Dagath Dagath
Ember Ember
Equinox Anima
Excalibur , Also includes Nyx, Nyx Prime, Nyx alt helm Excalibur
Excalibur Proto Skins ProtoArmor
Friendly Dax, e.g. Varzia, Teshin Outcast
Frost Frost
Gara Glass
Garuda Garuda
Gauss Sapient
Grendel Devourer
Gyre Gyre
Harrow Priest
Hildryn Shield
Hydroid Hydroid
Inaros Mummy
Ivara Archer
Khora Quill
Kullervo PaxDuviricus
Lavos Alchemist
Limbo Magician
Loki Loki
Lotus Lotus
Mag Mag
Mesa Gunslinger
Mirage Harlequin
Nekros Necromancer
Nezha Nezha
Nidus Infestation
Nova Antimatter
Nyx Deluxe + Tennogen Skins Nyx
Nyx Nemesis Skin Nemesis
Oberon Paladin
Octavia Bard
Protea Odalisk
Quorvex Brutalist
Rhino Rhino
Saryn Medusa
Sevagoth Wraithe
Some operator models and cosmetics Operator
Stalker (Only Includes Head) Assassin
Styanax Styanax
Titania Faerie
Trinity Trinity
Valkyr Berserker
Various Rescue Targets Prisoner
Vauban Engineer
Volt Volt
Voruna Lycath
Wisp Wisp
Wukong MonkeyKing
Xaku BrokenWarframe
Yareli Yareli
Zephyr Tengu