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Baking Textures

Texture Type Table

Texture Type Colour Space
Base Color sRGB
Emission sRGB
Metallic Non-Color
Roughness Non-Color
Specular Non-Color
Normal Non-Color
Early Video explaining the basics

How to bake textures on Pruu models

First of all, switch to the shading tab.
Now set the render engine to cycles. If your computer is compatible it is highly recommended to switch to the GPU Compute render device.
You also want to open the samples panel and set it to a low number (1-4).
Shading tab and render settings

Now you want to scroll down to the Bake section and input these settings:
- Bake Type: Emit
- Output, Target: Image Texture
- Unchecked Clear Image
- Margin, Size: from 2-5px
Bake settings

Now you want to select the object that you want to bake in the viewport.
Then in the shader editor create a new image texture node with Shift+A.
New Image Node

In the image node create a new image and name it whatever you want, for this example we are using 2048x2048 but you can go higher if you want.
Depending on what type of texture you will be baking, refer to the table at the top of the page and set the colour space accordingly.
New Image

These sockets are where you can source the textures to bake from. Output Sockets

Now you drag the output to the surface socket on the material output.

After you have set up the texture to be baked make sure you have the newly created texture selected, it should have a white outline.
texture to be baked

Now you can go back yo the bake panel and click bake.

Now if you switch a pane to an image editor tab and open the image you baked to you can save it.
save image